Analysis charts

Approximately a week ago we decided to re-launch our analysis chart offerings on the newly re-designed website. While the actual charts are the same as we produced on the previous website, we have release a couple of addition offerings which we hope the viewers will welcome.

Surface charts are available for North America, Eastern Canada, Western Canada and the Northern/Arctic regions in the standard 640×480. To accompany these, we have release high resolutions images of the same regions in a 1500×1200 format for those who like to get close up and personal!

The surface charts display station (metar) observations, isobars and frontal depictions. These are completely reliant on the hourly surface and buoy reports, no modeling is ingested, consequently there will occasionally be some contouring errors over ocean regions where buoy data is limited.

Upper level charts come in the same format sizes as their surface counterparts, however the regional maps are not available due to the limited availability of radiosonde reports in those regions. Only North American projections are possible at this time.

Surface maps can be located at

Upper level charts

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